Thursday, September 24, 2009

i made these spiral shapes with inkscape. i would draw a spiral then i would play around with stroke style to get different interesting effects. by holding down shift and draging the spiral it would expand and also holding the alt key extends the spiral and locks the radius which gives all sorts of different shapes. some of the shapes i made look very good and i enjoyed making these shapes and this program is really interesting.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


i made these shapes with inkscape. i would draw a star and then i would play around with the shape changing the corners, spoke ratio, randomise and even radomised. if you held shift down you and draged on the shape you would some interesting and cool effects. i thought some of the shapes i made were very interesting and unique. inkscpae was a really fun program and i enjoyed using it. my favourite shape is 2 shape its is unique and it looks very good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mobile phone survey. Answer in your blog.

1) Do you own a mobile phone?

2) If so provide the brand name and any other specifications if you know them

3) How many mobile phones have you owned so far in your life?

4) what do you use your phone for. Number in this way

2 = often
1 = sometimes
0 = never

2) phone calls
2) SMS for text messaging
1) listen to music MP3
2) take photos
2) file transfer using bluetooth
1) internet browsing
1) playing games
1) video recording
1) watching videos MP4
1) money transfer
0) buying stuff over the internet
2) alarm
1) memory card reader (SD)
1) USB (you use your phone to store and transfer files)
1) wireless modem for a personal computer
0) GPS (global positioning system) navigation
0) GDO (garage door opener)

5) Does your phone have a full QWERTY keyboard, either slide out or touch screen?

6) How would you feel if you were not allowed to use your mobile phone anymore?
Not to bad just it’s a little inconvenient

7) Should mobile phones be banned at school because they distract students? Give reasons for your answer
No it might be needed for emergencies

8) Include a picture of your phone as part of this blog

9) Add some tags to this blog